COLUNA PAPO DE TRAVA: Trans Perspective Part I – Childhood

The repetition of certain terms is part of an appealing technique to draw attention

I always start thinking that it’s complicated to write about my existence and those of my peers, but I’ll start differently this time: it’s easy, actually, it’s quite simple in this first part.


What complicates, as always, is the Cisgenerity with its sickening mental dysphorias. It’s you, Parents! An erè/a child has a pure mental capacity and, according to age and maturity, with the possibility of understanding how he feels and how he sees himself greater than the parents themselves.


What do you mean, Kukua? Yeah! Obviously, a baby can’t define their gender because they don’t even need or understand what gender can mean. Just like the mindset of many domestic animals, a baby just wants to eat, cry, shit, piss and sleep. No type of responsibility, causality or consequence regarding these 5 attitudes worries babies.


However, Parents, at 6, 7, 8 years old, the child is already beginning to understand these causalities, consequences, to be interested in it. Pheromones and binarizing hormones begin to work at these ages and the minds of these children begin to be affected and influenced for their development, yes!


That phase of questioning everything is proof of that. Not every child effectively questions with words, but there are also those who question with attitudes. Why this, why that, sometimes creating questions that you can’t even answer yourself or acting, not questioning in ways that you, as parent, can’t figure out why.


Transgenerity is possible and real at childhood. The fact of not accepting this, because Transgenerity is a factor of dissent and no parent likes to know that their child will suffer for deviating from the standard, is what makes the children themselves sick.


I was not a trans child, I believe that before there was a real need for me to be responsible for myself, I tried to escape into a world of my own, not really facing myself, and, thus, delaying the self-understanding of my own existence. But I am myself, Kukua Dada.


Not every trans existence works like me. It’s not like I’m waiting for the age of majority to “come out” (as unfortunately some trans people actually do). It’s as if before the “click” that happened inside me, I never had a real opportunity to look at myself and know who I was.


It is important that children feel this opportunity in a family environment. May you, Progenitors or even you, Effective Parents, give them this opportunity. The child will exponentially become an adult being more confident of himself, with less fear of the world (which has always been and always will be cruel, but the more fear they show, the more the world grinds to them, right?) with a greater possibility of standing out for their intelligence and potential, not just for their Transgenerity.


This work is the beginning of several appeals to the Cisgenerity, which, in fact, does not seek to understand Transgenerity at any time, whether this Cisgenerity is erroneous or not, whether it is sick or not. And this incessant need to always draw attention for such a slip is sad. Of having to explain that the reason we draw attention when you mistake a pronoun is not a simple “bullsh*t”, “f*gness”. From the fact that we “pretend that we don’t see” on various types of invasive questions (or even attitudes) to keep a job, a prestigious position (which is rare), an opportunity (very rare).


Please try harder. For the children of now and the future. Don’t blind yourself to reality just because it doesn’t sound ideal to you. Your child is yours because it has your genetic code, but they are not your possession. They will have their own life to design and care for, whether you like it or not, accept it or not. Make it easy for your kid to get to know themselves so that they can return the love that was given to you with all the affection, attention and opportunity for self-understanding!

Picture of Kukua Dada

Kukua Dada

Editora, Colunista e Repórter

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